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ADHD & The Organized Junk Drawer: A Paradox Worth Embracing

Junk Drawer Before

By: Megs Crawford

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ADHD & The Organized Junk Drawer: A Paradox Worth Embracing

We've all heard the adage "a place for everything and everything in its place," but for those of us with ADHD, that concept can feel downright mythical. Yet, believe it or not, even the infamous "junk drawer" can be tamed, offering unexpected benefits for managing ADHD overwhelm.

Why Bother? The Perks of a Tamed Junk Drawer

  • Reduced Visual Clutter = Improved Focus. A jumbled junk drawer is visually overstimulating, contributing to distraction. Putting things in a space, is so much more visually appealing!

  • Find Things Faster = Less Stress. We all know the frantic "where is it?!" feeling. An organized junk drawer turns those frantic searches into quick finds.

  • A Sense of Accomplishment. Even small organizational victories can be a major mood booster for those with ADHD.

Making it Happen: Tips & Essentials

  1. The Dump & Sort: Empty the entire drawer onto a workspace. Categorize items (batteries, pens, tools, random trinkets, etc.).

  2. Purge the Unnecessary: Toss expired items, broken things, and anything unused/unloved, put away things that already have a home somewhere else.

  3. Divide & Conquer: Measure your drawer and find the product that works for you! I love these containers that are shallow and give a ton of options for configuration:

To scale drawing of client's drawer

4. Label for Success: Labeling sections reinforces your organization system and makes it easy to put things back where they belong. It's also a silent way of communicating to others in your home.

Junk Drawer After (And before products)

A Note on Maintenance

This isn't a one-and-done task. AND once you have a system in place for putting things back where they belong, it gets easier and easier.

Share Your Victories!

As you can see, you don't need products to decluttering and find some coordination in your junk drawer. What are some victories you have had in your junk drawer? What's holding you back from having an organized drawer?

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