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Declutter & Organize your life to

Find Peace in your Mind

Welcome to Mindful Moves Organizing with Megs!


Feeling overwhelmed by clutter and like your thoughts are running a marathon in your head? You're not alone. Especially for those with ADHD, the chaos can feel all-encompassing, making it tough to focus, stay motivated, and achieve your goals.


But there's good news! Organizing isn't just about making your space look pretty. It's about creating a system that works with your brain, not against it. At Mindful Moves Organizing with Megs, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with ADHD, and we're here to help you:


  • Break free from clutter: We'll help you declutter efficiently and strategically, creating a calm and organized environment that reduces distractions and supports clarity.

  • Tame the mental chatter: By implementing organizational systems tailored to your ADHD brain, you'll spend less time searching and stressing, and more time doing the things you love.

  • Boost your focus and productivity: Organized spaces lead to organized minds. We'll help you establish routines and systems that maximize your focus and get you moving in the right direction.

  • Develop sustainable habits: We'll equip you with the tools and knowledge to maintain your newfound organization, empowering you to thrive in the long run.

Forget the rigid, one-size-fits-all approach to organizing. With Mindful Moves, we create personalized plans that celebrate your unique style and embrace your neurodiversity.

Ready to transform your space, your mind, and your life? We're here to guide you every step of the way!

Explore our website to:

  • Learn more about our services, including virtual consultations, coaching, and memberships.

  • Discover our "Infinite Possibilities Course" designed to help you take control of your future.

  • Get inspired by our success stories and hear how others with ADHD have benefited from organizing.

  • Dive deeper into the world of ADHD and organization with "The Mindful Megs Podcast: Organizing an ADHD Brain": Listen on Spotify

Remember, a calmer, more organized life is within reach. Let's make it happen together!


A Note from Megs

Full disclosure, I haven't always been the most organized person. I was practically a pro at collecting things from a young age, and saying goodbye to anything? Not my strong suit. Picture this: a dresser with not just a couple but a whopping 40 things on top – that was my reality. Fast forward to now, and I've got a passion for clean, organized spaces. But guess what? I totally get the struggle. I recently found out that I have ADHD, which kind of explains a lot.


Before the diagnosis, I was already on a mission to declutter and find that inner peace – thanks to some good reads and Marie Kondo's inspiration.​ Now, as a professional organizer, I'm excited to share what I've learned.


Let's team up to design and organize your spaces, bringing that peace of mind back into your life. Aside from physical spaces, I also specialize in organizing money and helping people learn how to budget. Ready to dive in? Let's do this!

Megs, Professional Organizer, ADHD Podcast

How do I hire a Professional Organizer?

1. Recognize you need help organizing/designing your space (You're in the right place)

2. Book a FREE 30 minute consultation so I can get to know more about your space.

3. Get incredibly excited about finding peace in your chaos and book a session with Megs during your consultation.

*I will give all the specific pricing options for your needs in our consultation!

*You're welcome to simply email me as well and ask ALL the questions.

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Mindful Moves Organizing with Megs


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Mindful Moves Organizing with Megs

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©2024 by Mindful Moves Organizing with Megs

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